Friday, August 15, 2008

ten tips well-being

ten tips well-being

here gw try ngumpulin well-being articles yg gw meet, and very simple that can you do self at home. .
may be there yg be of benefit to icomers. . so please at read well and congratulation try

keep in good health eye with papaya seed
how watch over eye well-being? follow dr. rini mahendra spm easy manner is done, one of them with mengonsumsi papaya seed. why does papaya seed? they say papaya seed contains compound likopen important for eye well-being. when do you not hold the bitter taste, so you can mengonsumsi with augmenting honey, or as mixture drinks tea. besides can also seed be dried or menyangrai to then eaten as snack. consumption regularly, approximately thrice a day as much as ten grains.

tomato seed prevents heart sickness
you like to drink tomato juice but very often throw away the seed? may be after read this article is that habit must be changed. based on research that done rowett research institute at scotlandia, found that slippery liquid or jelly rust colored found menyekitar tomato seed contains compound or efficacious mixture ingredient to opposes stroke and heart sickness. when do you imbibe tomato juice without throw away the seed, so you have decreased risk the happening of blood clotting around 72 percents, up to can you can escaped from heart sickness.

don't be long dip tea
tea is admitted berkhasiat for body well-being. also have come to vast public consumption as drink everyday. tea mengemas in the form of also powder tea. but there necessary payed in teabag, that is the use. teabag best is not dyed too long. this valid for all teas, coloured also green tea.
this caused chlorine substance pregnancy existence in teabag paper pocket. this substance is the function for paper disinfectant so that paper candid from bacteria pembusuk and durable. paper with appear chlorine cleaner. but disinfectant in gross not differ far with insecticide.
so that suggested don't dye teabag during long. if dip tea pocket more than 3-5 minute, chlorine will come to dissolve in tea. so that escaped from disease possibilities, best don't dip tea pocket more than 3 minutes.

rinses moment asthma
asthma is one of [the] disease kronik the patients lot at world. follow dr. tjandra meditation aditama, spp(k), mars, dtm&h, estimated in the year 2005 there addition around 100 million asthma patient at world.
asthma therapy there has pelega (reliever), there also has controlling (controller). asthma medicine most safe and effective that given in the form of sprayed or be sucked (inhaler) because direct will step breath channel, fast the effect, minimal side effects, and little the dose.

wound cuts
the little experience consequence wound plays knife up to the skin is cut?
next steps that can be done:
• if little the wound, enough depressed several second with cotton or sterile bandage to dries and stop perdarahan.
• don't rub wound with cotton because can botch wound hem up to perdarahan new increase. give solution antiseptik to prevent infection.
• if blood has mengering/stopped new closed with plaster

fever first aid
important done demote sufferer body temperature, can with mengompres use cold water, give medicine penurun hot, also espoused pengipasan so that hot body soon steam. cold water compress at breast left side or that head crown of head demotes hot quicker. more safe uses medicine penurun hot kind parasetamol, many sold free, especially for age child under 5 year.

treatment for black circle around eye
scraped potato can decrease black colour at eye circle. potato contains enzyme that named catecholase, often used upon which cosmetics with a purpose to brighten skin. blender sebutir potato and potato package memblender with clean cloth. paste up direct in be eye, and hush during 15-20 minute. don't let potato comes into eye. clean.

decrease creasing at face
to decrease creasing at face, can be used easy way and cheap that is with make use green coloured wine. wine this type of often used as one of [the] cosmetics ingredient cream counter wrinkle.
but you can make self ingredients counter wrinkle, its way slit wine soes two then rubbing to face and neck. ascertain you menggosokan at area around mouth. hush during 20 minutes and wash with nail warm water.
do every day, and you will see change in your face. don't forget to drink minimal plain water eight glass a day. and eat rich food contains vitamin a like carrot, celery and spinach. usa sleep eight clocks a day.

apple mask for oily skin
this mask is very suited for oily skin, maker and the use even also very easy.
• one medium size apple, memparut
• five honey tablespoon
mix scraped apple and honey well. dab to fullfaced and let during 10 minutes. wash with cold water.

sauna face skin
good skin treatment one of them with sauna face. you require cup that loaded with hot water that is added with a few oil essential that accustommed with skin kind:

normal: madarin and lavender
oily: lemon and eucalyptus oil
dry: rose and camomile

gird towel above head, and uapi your face is with distance 30 cm from cup during approximately two minutes. this step will open pore so that skin ready for memasker. best you don't do sauna face if sensitive skin, with a child or suffer asthma.
for oil essential, you can buy it at cosmetics special small stands. mustika queen and pretty essence also sell oil essential kinds above.

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