Friday, September 5, 2008

diet and olahraga bagi sufferer mengabetes

diet and olahraga bagi sufferer mengabetes

mengabetes not new disease. since 1552 sm disease marked with the frequently of urinate in number many with this drastic body heavy depreciation, known and called with term poliuria. year 400 sm, a indians author sushratha menamai “penyakit urinate madu”. name mengabetes mellitus (mengabetes = flow then, mellitus = sweet) final given by aretaeus around 200 year prechristian.
managed this disease actually easy sufferer origin can discipline self and do sport regularly, menuruti doctor suggestion, and not spirit breakable.
somebody is said to suffer mengabetes when does glucose degree in blood above 120 mg/dl in a condition fast, and above 200 mg/dl after two clocks eats. sign other realer when does positive the art water.
mengabetes appear to cause insulin that taked by my cells from island langerhans (structure in pancreas that haves to regulate sugar degree in blood) not again work normal. finally, sugar degree in blood meninggi. when does this conditon continue and pass by kidney limit threshold, glucose will be taked to pass urine.
so far known two sufferer groups mengabetes that is they are that hitted since childhood or adolescent, and they are that hitted when full grown (majority age 50 year to on). sufferer mengabetes since young majority want insulin injection, temporary that begun at adult age not.
since found insulin by lambaste and best canadian in 1921, sufferer mengabetes that want insulin can be overcome so that mortality rate and baby miscarriage in pregnant mother that suffers mengabetes on the wane. besides insulin, franke and fuchs (1954) do test tries medicine antidiabetes and proved many help sufferers.
mengabetes really disease can not be cured, but with good treatment, every sufferer can endure the life bormally.
diet and sport
besides controls sugar degree regularly, do to diet food and regular sport is successful key pengelolaaan mengabetes. in the case of for example food, sufferer mengabetes must pay attention carbohydrate dosage. because absolut majority energy need is got from this substance. follow dr. elvina karyadi, m. sc. , butritionist from seameo-tropmed ui, there two carbohydrate groups that is complex kind and simple kind. has chemical tie more than one glucose chain while other only one. in complex carbohydrate body likes in bread or rice, must mengurai be single chain formerly before is absorbed into blood stream. on the contrary, simple carbohydrate likes ice-cream, sharp, jam, syrup, light drink, and candy, direct come into blood stream so that direct blood sugar degree melejit.
from sufferer food side mengabetes more suggested to consuming fibrous carbohydrate likes pod, vegetable, fresh fruit likes papaya, kedondong, apple, tomato, barking, water melon etc. while fruits too sweet like chicoo, orange, pineapple, rambutan, dorian, jackfruit, wine, is not suggested.
university origin nutrient researcher airlangga, surabaya, prof. dr. dr. h. askandar tjokroprawiro, classify to diet on two parts, a and b. diet b with composition 68% carbohydrate, 20% fat, and 12% protein, more fit to make indonesian is compared with diet a that consist of 40 - 50% carbohydrate, 30 - 35% fat and 20 - 25% protein. diet b besides contain carbohydrate reasonable tall, also rich fiber and low cholesterol. based on watchfulness, diet tall complex carbohydrate in dose divided, can repair my cell sensitivity is pancreas.
meanwhile fiber height in kind vegetable a(bayam, stringbean, string bean, young corn, pumpkin siam, carrot, pare, young jackfruit) augmenting kind vegetable b (cauliflower, fresh mushroom, celery, taoge, cucumber, gambas, green chilli, marrow, eggplant, tomato, mustard green) will depress glucose degree increase and blood cholesterol.
onion and white (berkhasiat 10 onion times merah)serta stringbean very well if added in diet mengabetes because according to together can demote blood fat degree and blood glucose.
pattern 3j
butritionist other, dr. andry hartono d. a. nutr. , from rs house rapih, yogyakarta imply pattern 3j: that is calorie total, time-table eats, and food kind.
for sufferer doesn't has body weighing problem sure easier to count calorie total everyday. its way, heavy body is multiplyinged 30. for example, body weighing person 50 kg, so calorie need in a day 1.500 (50 x 30). if concerned run sport, the calorie need on take exercise to augmenting around 300-an calorie.
time-table is eating pengidap mengabetes being suggested a more regular with portions. the purpose so that calorie total merata all day long. aim final so that body work lo not too heavy and stomach saliva gland production not too sudden.
beside time-table eats principal morning, day, and evening, suggested also light food portions at time interrupts sebut(selang time around three clock)s.
necessary limitted food berkalori tall like rice, fatty meat, innards, egg yolk. also tall fatty food likes ice-cream, ham, sausage, cake, brown, jerked meat, food gorengan. dark green coloured vegetable and pink like carrot, stringbean, spinach, caisim can mengonsumsi in number more many, so also with fresh fruits. but, necessary payed when sufferer suffers kidney disturbance, green vegetables consumption and food berprotein tall must be limitted so that not too load kidney work.
diet limited calorie
sufferer can follow menu composition example diet b to 2.100 calorie (simbardjo and indrawati, b. sc. from butrition part rsud dr. sutomo surabaya) like in table 1. diet b tall that fiber belongs to diet mengabetes general, doesn't suffer complication, is not fasting or even also with a child.

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