Saturday, July 19, 2008

alive wells with chocolate?

alive wells with chocolate?

contain many calories not good to well-being especially for the man who has body weighing problem and acne? surprisingly, although bloom opinion like that, anyway chocolate stills to be favorite food many people from various socials status, age group and sex, even in certain days there identical with chocolate.

bot many that know if chocolate contains antioksidan flavonoids very be of benefit to well-being. chocolate comes from plants kakao and kakao self very tall contain flavanols that belong into group flavonoid phytochemical. plants other that contain substance of a kind tea plants and wine, but pregnancy flavanols in chocolate much higher than plants other.

then how with fat pregnancy that found in kakao? yap, the mentioned really true, kakao satisfied fat acidulous, but a large part shaped sour stearat that follow several watchfulness will not promoted blood cholesterol degrees as does sour another satisfied fat. sour another fat that implied in seed kakao sour unsatiated fat and sour satisfied fat that is called palmitic fatty acid. the problem, many chocolate products that sold at market has been mixed in such a manner with ingredient ingredient other so that fat that consist in in it be to resemble with milk fat and another satisfied fats.

one oil teaspoon kakao contain:
8 gram sour satisfied fat (4,5 gram shaped sour stearat and 3,5 grams of satisfied fat other).
4,5 gram sour unsatiated fat.
0,4 gram omega-6 and other other.

several benefits from chocolate among others:

1. chocolate be be guessed can demote heart attack risk.
consuming several pure chocolate chips every day can demote heart attack consequence death risk in almost 50% case. this opinion is unfolded by a researcher from john hopkins university school, usa. in the watchfulness revealed that lump formation blood/trombus in far chocolate eater slower than doesn't consuming chocolate. this matter of course many the true because form trombus too big will causes stoppage heart blood vessel and can causes heart attack.

unfolded also if flavanols found in seed kakao has bichemistry effect demotes blood lump formation that resemble by aspirin work but the effect sure lower from aspirin. several opinions other that bloom in hubunga hit chocolate use in demote disease risk kardiovaskuler among others: demote blood pressure, demote oxidation ldl cholesterol, and has effect counters inflammation. unfortunately all that still to need continuation watchfulness to get result accurateer.

2. chocolate can demote blood pressure and demote insulin resistence.
follow watchfulness that done at italian with compare 15 person well that given chocolates that contain flavanols and brown doesn't contain flavanols to then watched during 15 days, found that insulin resistence (risk factor urinates sweet) in group that consuming chocolate ber-flavanols, very far decreased. blood pressure sistolik also decreased in this group.

3. chocolate can repair artery blood circulation.
person wells that consuming tall chocolate flavanols follows has good artery blood circulation. unfolded also in one who diligent consuming tall chocolate flavanols, the blood artery ability to berelaksasi very tall. of course all this is very good for heart well-being

such as those which i lay open at beginning, unfortunately not all chocolates that go around at market contains antioksidan flavanoid tall. only there one important note that must be rememberred, that is more and more pure chocolate pregnancy in a chocolate product so degree excelsior antioksidan.

besides also, don't forget calorie that consist in in chocolate. one hundred grams of chocolate at sell at market contains approximately 150 calories. so, all chocolate benefits will gone if suppose food other mengonsumsi also calorific tall so that calorie consumption too tall. this matter is sure very doesn't beneficial for program diets you.

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