Sunday, July 20, 2008

gate cigarette aims tumor paru

gate cigarette aims tumor paru

smoke principal risk factor that causess lung tumor. more than 80 lung tumor percents in all the world happen because habit smokes.

tumor paru one of [the] difficult tumor kind is cured. appropriate the name, tumor paru grow at lung organ. this tumor is caused by cell that split and grow uncontrollably in organ paru. tumor paru if let can round into cancer paru.

usually this tumor blooms at breath channel or part alveolus. still, didn't close this tumor possibility scattered to entire bodies if be cancer paru stage of a disease acute.

every year, found more than 1,3 million cancer case paru in all the world with mortality rate 1,1 million every year it. at europe, estimated there 381.500 cancer case paru in 2004, with mortality rate 342.000 or 936 deaths every day.

follow prof dr faisal yunus, phd, spp(k), fccp, expert paru from home ill friendship, tumor paru savage that alterable be cancer be be divided to be two big parts. the distribution tumor paru little cell and tumor paru not little cell. distinguish two tumor kinds is important done to get optimal therapy.

tumor paru little cell seldom happens, but sifa very contagiously. but the profit, fast cell splits that usually sensitive towards light. hence, tumor therapy this type of can be done with radiotherapy irradiation. still, tumor this type of also fast assault to return.

tumor not little cell is potential tumor kind causess cancer paru. more than 80 percents from all cancers paru preced from tumor paru not this little cell. found three types from tumor paru not this little cell, that is adenokarsinoma, karsinoma cell skuamosa, and karsinoma big cell.

in tumor paru not this little cell is the degree divided based on tnm, where t attribute tumor magnitude size, n involvement from gland limfe body, and m see existence metastase (distribution) tumor to other body part.

medical expert not always explain why there one who mengidap lung tumor, while another person escaped from that disease. but, person with certain risk factor the possibility bigger is hitted lung tumor.
“risiko hitted tumor paru bigger if person class man, age above 40 year and has habit smokes old ones, ” say prof faisal also doctor club head leader paru this indonesia.

smoke principal risk factor that causess lung tumor. more than 80 lung tumor percents in all the world happen because habit smokes. dangerous ingredients in cigarette can botch lung cell. along walk it time, cells that broken this can turn into tumor, even be cancer. that is why why suck cigarette, pipe, or cigar can causes lung cancer.

besides, passive smoker or papar also can causes lung tumor in bonsmoker person or passive smoker. more often somebody papar cigarette smoke, the risk ever greater is hitted lung tumor.

risk factor other for lung tumor, among others if somebody many mengirup substance likes radon (a radioactive gas), asbestos, arsenic, chromium, nickel, and air pollution. person with family story mengidap tumor paru has also larger ones risk level. one who ever mengidap tumor paru has larger ones risk to mengidap tumor paru second.

phenomenon from tumor paru vary. even, if the size stills little, this tumor doesn't evoke phenomenon. “ini because oragan paru that doesn't has ill nerve. so although there tumor losts to ill. ill nerve in part plura, thin membrane that overlays paru and breast wall. if tumor has achieved part plura, then asa the pain, ” papar prof faisal.

phenomenon that if tumor has expanded, among others cough, even can bleeding cough if tumor has hitted blood vessel. another phenomenon, asphyxia and breast pain. there also phenomenon outside respiration factor, among others desire eats to decrease up to heavy body goes drastic, choked, and tired fast. this phenomenon resembles with tuberculosis, bot rarely wrong person expecteds tumor paru as tuberculosis. manner mengagnosis correct will determine disease, does tuberculosis or tumor paru. “agar certain can be done investigation with ct scan, ” word prof faisal.

tumor paru be tumor kind difficultest cured. tumor sufferer paru can be said most certainly will died because there is no complete therapy. chance to survive tumor patient paru less than five year. seldom there patient that survive more than five year with tumor paru savage.

still, doesn't mean there is no hope absolutely. in this time available several choices for tumor therapy paru in each stage. therapy choice decision best made by both parties, that is patient and doctor that care. also must explain why a therapy choice on the market to patient and the family. besides necessary explained also surplus and deficit from therapy choice that be endured, belong the cost need magnitude.

therapy depend on tumor cell kind, disease trip, sufferer general display, and of course consideringly sufferer finance aspect. therapy most often done surgery. in operation action, part paru that hitted tumor is throwed away. area of around part that hitted also be throwed away along 0.5 cm to will guard andaikata tumor has scattered.

patient can mengoperasi if stages the tumor stills under stage of a disease 3. if more than stage of a disease 3, usually patient will be given kemoterapi or radiotherapy so that the tumor mengecil formerly. afterwards new mengoperasi. important to remember, operation action must not be done if tumor scattered.

tumor paru preventable or reduced the risk factor with three manners, that is primary prevention, secondary, and tertiary. primary prevention can be done with prevent somebody be smoker. secondary prevention mobile smoker ceasing. meanwhile, tertiary prevention with found cancer sufferer paru stage of a disease early.

besides can also with many consuming food antioksidan like orange or carrot, contain me karoten berkhasiat to prevent cancer.
www. compass

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